Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yellow Stimulator

The Yellow Stimulator above was one of the flies I tied for this project.  It is designed to visually appeal to fish.  This Yellow Stimulator is a variation of a stone dry fly.  This fly is predominantly used out west.  All stone flies live only in moving water, so this fly is meant to be used in rivers.  When using this fly, it's important to use the proper variation to match the hatch.  When these flies are in abundance, trout key in on them and refuse everything else because of the large size of this fly.    

1 comment:

  1. Zach,

    Nice 'Stimmy'... you are spot in with your description about where and when to fish a Stimulator. The yellow variation that you tied does a good job of imitating the Golden Stone Fly, which is one of the predominant ones that we fish here in Maine. Tied in a smaller size, this can also make a good imitation for the Yellow Sally Stone Fly. The fun part about fishing stimulators is that often you don't need to worry so much about having a perfect drag free drift, as fish will often "whack 'em" as they skate and skitter along the surface, which imitates the naturals either laying eggs or trying to get airborne.

    Great job! Looks like a fun project (I wish I could have done this in school!?!?!)

